Heads Gotta Roll!

Heads Gotta Roll!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Good Memories

Just got back from watching my oldest daughter in a community theater production. She did a great job, and I was very proud of her. On the drive home, I started thinking about the best memories in my life and how they are centered around my daughters.

As a basketball coach, my teams have won ten section championships, and I have had some opportunities to stand victorious in front of some standing room only crowds hoisting a big trophy. I have to say that it is a great feeling to win the big game, but it doesn't compare to watching one of your children make you proud.

One of my favorite moments was when my youngest appeared in her high school talent show. I didn't know she could play guitar. I didn't know she could sing. She blew the audience away. I was stunned. Every time I think of that night, I am reminded what an immensely talented person she is. She has since gone on to a music career in the San Diego area. She has had many a great moment along the way, but it is that first time I saw her perform that is lodged near the top of my all time memory list.

Another one is the time that my oldest daughter, who was about five or six at the time, put on a one woman broadway show for her mother, her grandparents, and I. She was wearing her pajama gown and had her hair rolled up in these huge curlers. None of the lyrics made any sense, but it did not matter. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I laughed more that night in I laughed in whole months. The thing that made it most memorable( her grandparents have since passed on) was how much joy and love was in that room that night.
Raising kids can sometimes be a big pain in the butt, but you do get some great memories out of the deal.

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