Heads Gotta Roll!

Heads Gotta Roll!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rioting is Wrong, But ........

   After viewing some of the footage of the rioting in London and other English cities, my mind automatically began to anticipate those muddled thinkers who were going to start their analysis of the problem with a perfunctory nod to the wrong actions of the mob, but who would then quickly digress into an obligatory blaming of the class strains in English society.
   It utterly amazes me how many people think like this. They rail against the system, "It was the 20% unemployment that caused bored, angry youths to pillage and destroy out a sense of rage." As long as people think this way, we will never get to the root of the problem.
   It was not the widening of class lines that caused this mess. It was instead the widening gap between people who know who how to behave in a right thinking fashion and those who let their animal instincts run wild.  It is fundamentally wrong to pillage and destroy your neighbor's belongings. The argument begins and ends with that concept. There can be no justification of the actions of the these mobs.
   To even attempt to explain this away as something produced by class strains, is proof conclusive against the very arguments that these fuzzy minded thinkers are trying to make. The poor, the uneducated, the oppressed peoples of the world are not intrinsically animalistic in behavior. Witness the dignity of say Booker T. Washington or someone like Ghandi. Look at the way that the class and character of those who marched with Martin Luther King Jr helped to sway the way that people looked at race relations in this country and abroad.
  What we saw in Britain was the exact opposite of class and dignity. The youth are bored because there are often no consequences for their boorish behavior in schools. They can't read and our culture teaches them from the cradle to be rude,  rebellious and dismissive of social conventions. That are unemployable because they have no job skills to make them otherwise. This doesn't give them the right to behave like animals.
  Instead of blaming the class system. We would be better focused on examining the social/political system that awards power to bungling bureaucrats who really only behave compassionately in order to hear the admiring oohs and ahhs of the slow witted. In their efforts to appease, they usually only manage to strip their victims of their dignity and pride.

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